CharlesLewisamanwithmanytalentswill surpriseyouwithhisselectionofwinehome-brewedrightthereinCan-ells,amongtheprize-winningwinesarehissugarcanewine,Tamarind wine,andthefamouswinehenicknames‘’Slow Battery”tobehonestitseemsimpossibletobrew wineinsuchadryplace,butCharlesknowshow anddoesitquitewell,heproducessomevery interestingflavorsaswell.CheckoutMr.Lewis whennextyouvisitSt.Lucia,justfollowthe highwaytoVieux-FortinthelittlehamletofCan-ells,ifyougopastthelastbridgeonyourwayto Vieux-Fort,thenyouhavealreadypassedthe place,youjustcannotmisshim,hewillbetheone withoutashirton.Tamarindwineabighitbrewed righthereinSt.LuciainthelittleHamletofCan-ellswhereeverythingisfreshandcoolbreeze year-round. On my last visit to St. Lucia, someone ask me if I have tried Tamarind wine to which I reply no, I don’t think such a wine is being sold at the liquor store, I don’t believe they do however he said but you can purchase it at Charles Lewis Helen Brand place just off the highway, right off the highway road to Vieux Fort, a mile from the airport on your way north of the Island. So off I went and to my amazement how true, Charles a jovial fellow showed me several selections including his prize-winning Slow Battery wine made with molasses and other secret ingredients, go ahead give it a try and come back for more, I urge you to try this man wine selections before it is a thing of the past, and to all who would venture to try cheers. Kenvil Giles Atkins OUI MAMA.
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