Find me a man who will capture the sun and keep it just for fun. Brightly it shone over my head one night so low I could not run. Into a bottle, I lure it in not thinking about its power to heal It rumbles up and down the bottle edge I knew I had the real deal.

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Market day in St. Lucia, don’t miss out, Saint Lucia top cop count on her to keep you safe.

Protect &

Serve Top COP.


School days are now gone grown men and women you’ve

become, the education taught to you by your teachers,

parents, and peers will propel you forward to achieve the


The basic foundation of success is endeavoring to achieve

what is said to be difficult going through life’s bivouac,

Having no fear discipline, and courage are some factors to

achieving one's goal, the fact that you have dared to tread

into unknown waters, and have safely reach the other side,

calls for rejoicing to a job well done.

I wish to congratulate you all who were fortunate to have

been selected, but most of all your commitment to

excellence, it is a proud profession (RSPF) and to be in the

service of your country, is an added plus, to one and all

congratulations are in perfect order.

Recently in St. Lucia’s jubilant, the nasty period of crime

and violence prorated by its sons and daughters, a voice of

reason came up to bat, namely the Royal Saint Lucia police

force top cop. Happy to know she still positively holds the

reins, the leadership she portrays, and the choices she

makes will benefit St. Lucia, and eventually harvest a crop

of top individual police personnel.

To the remaining diamonds in the making be patient your

time will come, serve your country with distinction in the

capacity you have, do your duty with devotion and your job

will not go unnoticed, Twaine has never been my choice of

intervention into my St. Lucia, nothing wrong with

furthering intellectual in ways that will benefit a nation.

So thanks to the Twanise for their benevolence, could be I

was wrong about them, still, I remain deterministic.


School days are now gone grown men and women you’ve

become, the education taught to you by your teachers,

parents, and peers will propel you forward to achieve the


The basic foundation of success is endeavoring to achieve

what is said to be difficult going through life’s bivouac,

Having no fear discipline, and courage are some factors to

achieving one's goal, the fact that you have dared to tread

into unknown waters, and have safely reach the other side,

calls for rejoicing to a job well done.

I wish to congratulate you all who were fortunate to have

been selected, but most of all your commitment to

excellence, it is a proud profession (RSPF) and to be in the

service of your country, is an added plus, to one and all

congratulations are in perfect order.

Recently in St. Lucia’s jubilant, the nasty period of crime

and violence prorated by its sons and daughters, a voice of

reason came up to bat, namely the Royal Saint Lucia police

force top cop. Happy to know she still positively holds the

reins, the leadership she portrays, and the choices she

makes will benefit St. Lucia, and eventually harvest a crop

of top individual police personnel.

To the remaining diamonds in the making be patient your

time will come, serve your country with distinction in the

capacity you have, do your duty with devotion and your job

will not go unnoticed, Twaine has never been my choice of

intervention into my St. Lucia, nothing wrong with

furthering intellectual in ways that will benefit a nation.

So thanks to the Twanise for their benevolence, could be I

was wrong about them, still, I remain deterministic.


School days are now gone grown men and women you’ve

become, the education taught to you by your teachers,

parents, and peers will propel you forward to achieve the


The basic foundation of success is endeavoring to achieve

what is said to be difficult going through life’s bivouac,

Having no fear discipline, and courage are some factors to

achieving one's goal, the fact that you have dared to tread

into unknown waters, and have safely reach the other side,

calls for rejoicing to a job well done.

I wish to congratulate you all who were fortunate to have

been selected, but most of all your commitment to

excellence, it is a proud profession (RSPF) and to be in the

service of your country, is an added plus, to one and all

congratulations are in perfect order.

Recently in St. Lucia’s jubilant, the nasty period of crime

and violence prorated by its sons and daughters, a voice of

reason came up to bat, namely the Royal Saint Lucia police

force top cop. Happy to know she still positively holds the

reins, the leadership she portrays, and the choices she

makes will benefit St. Lucia, and eventually harvest a crop

of top individual police personnel.

To the remaining diamonds in the making be patient your

time will come, serve your country with distinction in the

capacity you have, do your duty with devotion and your job

will not go unnoticed, Twaine has never been my choice of

intervention into my St. Lucia, nothing wrong with

furthering intellectual in ways that will benefit a nation.

So thanks to the Twanise for their benevolence, could be I

was wrong about them, still, I remain deterministic.

Uncle Vincent Barrister At Law

CONGRATULATIONS Once in a lifetime for the hard work one does, the journey that he has taken, his family one known to me as Miss Pandora, a mother to me at the tender age of four, his father, grandfather Bill Atkins, and the rest of his supporting family, his friends from boss to teammates and everyone, the hard work and perseverance, which he did approaches to completion, his goal venture has now been successfully fulfilling, a deserving honour, I am sure Uncle Vincent had love ones who helped him achieve this milestone success. To them I say thanks! Uncle Vincent (Barbee) deep down to my bones, I say congratulations on a job well done, I hope you serve all future patrons with distinction, honesty, and integrity. Best wishes going forward. Kenvil G. Atkins
Kenvil G Atkins (Wings)
MCKENNA - NEW SCHOOL Her first day in her new school and she couldn’t be happier. All the kids were waiting for her in her class, and she felt like a celebrity. Can’t wait to see how it goes!I
STRENGTH AND VIGILANCE ITS JUST MY WAY: Volume IV of Raw Energy Strength and Vigilance Poetry is now on Amazon pick up volumes 1 and II, all poems are written by Kenvil G Atkins Lewis. Here is a collection of his all-time best, “Near the House Where Safi Lives”, “Valhalla”, and “Natural Mystic” classical and contemporary poems please read volumes one, two, and three, volume III top poems are “Birthdays”, “confusions”, “Milwaukee Finest”, read contemporary and classic poems Kenvil writes for the love of the poetry types, Love Lost, about a parent, loss of a grandchild, grieving, friendship, regret, and depression. Volume II upholds a creative and diverse game-changer in modern poets such as Kenvil Atkins's thoughts on political happenings giving a voice to the silence exiled and excluded. Get a copy on AMAZON or any other major bookstore. Timeless Poetry and Raw Energy are brought to you by the Author Kenvil G. A. Lewis, and the folks at Pwindaykye do you know the way to us, oh just follow the sound of my flute and it will take you right to our doorsteps. let me introduce myself I am a man of many talents and have worn many hats, I was an Executive Chef in my youth days, and a computer technician later in my prime we were talking mainframe computers and later open systems laptops. Her first day in her new school and she couldn’t be happier. All the kids were waiting for her in her class, and she felt like a celebrity. Can’t wait to see how it goes!I
WHAT ONE LOVE CAN DO There are still some decent folks in my community, believe it or not, there are also some programs available to help folks, one such program is called Revitalize Milwaukee, those folks are located on Dr. Martin King Luther Jr. Drive, the problem with finding help is not knowing who to call, or who to talk to. Just knowing is not all there is to know, you also have to ask yourself will the commitment that they promise will be fulfilling, if you are lucky enough to be selected, a contract is drawn up, and there is a six-month waiting period before they do anything for you, caution folks it is possible to be tossed aside by the program managers, at their pleasure. That is if you question the work that is being done on your behalf. However, if you have overcome all obstacles and are lucky enough to get the help promise, you may get people like those folks, true grit thank you folks what one love can do.
What One Love Can Do 2023
KENVIL’S POETRY OASIS AND YOU: Whispering Voices Poems, volume 8, Kenvil Atkins Lewis Poetry Oasis, the voice of the poet means a lot of things to a lot of people. Reading a poetry book makes me feel good all over, takes me to distant shores, keeps me wanting for more, yes, I know that is poetry." the poet uses everyday words to inspire just like the Artist uses paint to bring out the masterpiece on his canvas, try as hard as you want my Timeless poetry volumes cannot be defined. There are as many definitions of poetry as there are of poets. For example, William Wordsworth defined poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. Yes, Longfellow was one of my favorite poets. "Poetry can make you laugh or cry or yawn, it can make your whole body shiver while doing nothing." Some poets Carefully select words for conciseness and clarity standards, but sometimes poets go well beyond this, consider such poem another of my favorites “The Charge of the Chosen Twenty” word's emotive qualities, backstory, musical rhythm, tone of destruction, even its spatial relationship to world events. The poet Kenvil Atkins Lewis through innovation in both word choice and form seemingly rends significance from thin air Introducing the poet Kenvil Atkins Lewis's poem “Natural Mystic,” the relevant message in his composition is all the beauty, truth, and wisdom of the real world and that is all one needs to know. “Poetry can appear old, frail, new, and cerebral. It is stronger and fresher than you think. The poet's imagination will break those chains faster than you can say "Play it again Sam." All of this and more can be found in my latest volume eight of Whispering Voices Poems, a series of Timeless Poetry that keeps you on your toes.


He was born on this date, in a one-bedroom apartment overlooking the stinking gutter of Micoud, he never went to London, nor spent time in England like his other siblings did. he did not know this place existed 37th Frith Road, London, UK. Owned by his biological parents, not able to sing the praises of togetherness, Yet his journey took him elsewhere, he was shipped to London Derry, then moved over to Moreau where he stayed a spell, then off easing his way to Micoud, and much later found peace and a home in Cannells. So much for 37th Frith Road. Yet they sing about his praises as if they knew him so well, I knew him well, but now my eyes are getting dim, and I can barely see the faces before me, but my memory still holds for perfection the times and places, that I have roamed, and the things dear to my heart. Like the boy who stood up to his Aunt in defense of his brother, a defiant young hero fist of steel, and again the big brawl fight with the children of Azaza, if I am not mistaken his name is Samieul, that same boy did not pull any punches in the reckoning, coming to the aid of his cousin Myers, later we would call it (Bish Coco) he had the young man begging on his knees to stop, he showed his true colors in the day he made a mess out of the Norman brothers, we called it (Showdown in the schoolyard) and there was that day he failed to return to Cannells bringing back the bottle of Koil to his grandmother, causing a showdown in the yard, grandma Leslie would not have any of that, to make peace between the two he returns with Grandmother, but without the bottle of Koil, it was four weeks later. He used to Race after school to catch the tractor traveling back to London Derry from Moreau, for a ride to his new home in Cannells, it was that or a grueling ten-mile walk back to his grandmother's home in Canelles, it was the tractor or his legs. The woods came alive hopelessly you panic, peeping through the branches was a boy carrying an enormous tree branch on his shoulder, the destination Ma Dar oven the breadwinner, and yet he was deprived of a single loaf, sometimes spent his time at the water's edge trying for a catch, to which he prepares for his food. The pot was always empty after every meal at Ma Dar's place, and if by chance he was speared a plate someone would devour it unknowingly. He collected eggs and tamarind, which he sold to raise money in which to satisfy his hunger, dry coconut flowers he hassle for Ma Dar to find favor with Ma Dar, for a penny loaf, for breakfast, he travels up and down the Mahaut road, cultivating a barren land to feed the hunger in a house of fourteen souls, yet that same boy was often being cursed by the same hands he fed Ma Dar, she wishes him ill daily saying to him, in her native language, God Will Punish you !, you will shit little pick Ax. Oh yes, I do recall many of his exploits, for yes I was there also for without him I don’t think I would be here today, the day he was born, so I pose this question to you, do you know Lambert, my brother, I ask you where the happiness comes into play, let us say he survives to tell it all, that is his business, for I thought I knew him well, and yet I did not know him at all. Kenvil G Atkins Lewis
THE ROAD TO THE WHITE HOUSE. Story by: Kenvil Atkins Written on Oct 25, 2024 Now that you voted, anxiously awaiting who will win, of course, you would like the candidate that you pick to win, may the force be with you. Realistically speaking, this time around the choices for President, were nothing but slim pickings, but naturally, we have to make do, with the candidates that were brought forward. We face a growing tug-of-war, between our economy and major war conflicts, being done on our doorsteps. We have become the giver of ammunition, and somehow the mediator between Nations, in this modern era and with the growing threat of nuclear arsenals, we should be vigilant and alert of the selection intervention we perform. Larking is the word, our economy is strong, and although we are not the worst off, we are not far from being there. So ask yourself, now that you have voted, did I vote party line, or should I have voted for the candidates who positively will bring us out of impending disaster, towards our economic situation.? The choices you’ve made will last over the years, unwilling! Both Democrats and Republicans refuse to see eye to eye on matters affecting our liberty, and our welfare, always putting it to a vote, a process that is dragged throughout the reign of the elected party. If you voted for Donald Trump, chances are he will work hard for your welfare, intertwining with his agenda of retribution. Whereas if you voted for Kamala Harris, you would get five more years of the Biden mandate. Poor Kamala was never that involved; definitely, she had no choice in this matter, implemented by his choice of nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris. Still in balance are our hopes for a successful transfer of power, and to the winner, congratulations! are in order, and we hope to perform the business of the Nation. You, the people, have in some way interacted with my political poems. You know my thoughts on both candidates. However, you don’t know my vote or whom I want to govern me. I will tell you frankly, as a devout worshiper of Jehovah Almighty God, I don’t partake in nominating or voting. The life I live is being put into play one day at a time, respecting the law of the land, I am driven by faith, and guidance that has to secure me from adversity, propelling me into rem of neutrality and perfect peace in my search for perfection, there will be no more political poems from me after the conclusion of this, the route to the Presidency. Into the Mist Commentary farewell to arms. Kenvil Atkins poet for Timeless Poetry and Short Stories.
THIS SITE WAS CREATED BY Kenvil Atkins Lewis for faceMebook.