PoetryOasisissimplydivineknowingthatmy poetrywrittenwordswereinspiredbyAlmighty JehovahGodhimself,Godisherejustlikehe waswithhischosenIsraelite,Whoisgreater thanJehovahGod,Godisabundancehehears yourcries,outoftherockinthedesertgushout streamsofwater,anOasisoffreshwaterforall todrinkthiswasthemightyhandsofJehovah Godatwork,PoetryOasisisalsowordsgiven tomebytheLordalmightysoIdarenottake creditforthebooksthatIhavewrittenthusfar, NoSir,IdarenottemptheLordofHost whohas guidedmetothisjunctureofmyreality. You will beinspiredafterreadingmythirteenlove poemsinbooksix,trueorfalseyoumakethe call.TherevelationofthepoetKenvilAtkins Lewis Kenvil Atkins LewisKenvil’s Book six – GLORY BEEunlike no other the words of Kenvil Atkins Lewis poet and author, a collection of his observation into human nature and the action result set forth causing a daily chain reaction. There is nothing like an amateur poet, says Kenvil Atkins Lewis, poems are made of simple words linked together to amuse, to encourage, to enlighten, to embrace, and to provoke one’s intellectual thoughts. Book six is called strength & vigilance raw energy poems (ECHO ), that is because it took me a long time to finish my manuscript well into the night to finish this book If you are
willing to donate to my work, I am thankful please do so, it proves what I have been saying all along we are all brothers from one God Almighty Jehovah. Thank you for purchasing Kenvil’s Book of poems [ECHO], you now have a collection of five books of Kenvil Atkins Lewis poetry don’t forget to read my novel as well.Shop now
POEM- FROST ON MY DOORSTEPFare well my native shore never wanting to step foot no moreDon’t ask me why or what forI am ten feet deep in snow and don’t have anywhere else to go pity it isBest when you walk slowTalking about depression I won't give you that impression forme it is just an elision