Similacbaby’smilk!AsSimilacistoababy,soaregunstoAmerica,Americanshavefromthe beginninghavealoveaffairwithguns,beginningwiththeColt45whichwasbrandishedonevery citizen'shipsintheoldWestandnowthebushmaster.Oneofthemajorcontributingfactorstothe Americaneconomyisthesalesofguns,inthebeginning,guns wereneveraproblemto Americans, everyone strapped on their hips a gun belt and boast out who could shoot the fastest.Therespectforlawandorder wascarriedoutbyall whocarrygunsafterguns wereprohibitedfrom beingcarriedopenly,thenation'sloveforgunsdidnotdiminish,theythencarryconcealed weapons,andforawhile,peacereignedintheheartofAmericauntilthegunrevolutionlawswere implemented,mind youthat wasnottostopthegunsfactoriesbuttomonopolizethesaleofguns, restricting the gun flow to industries as they see fit.GunsarebigbusinesstoAmerica,hecktheylobbycontinuouslyabouttheirfifthamendmentto carryarms,thenation'slovefortheirweaponsisparamount,youoftenhearmasskillingsin differentstates,andthewoeandlamentationlastbutforawhile,andisbacktothebusinessat hand,thebusinessofmakingguns,betteranddeadlierguns,andyouexpecthelpfromAmerica! Whatare yousmoking, what Americadoesbestistogivepromises,promises you wanttohear,but American business is their business and no other.Youareaskinga wolftokillitspup,nowIknow youaredreaming,thereisinternalconflicteveryday withthegunsituationrighthereintheirback yard,theyarenotabletofullysolvethatcrisis,andthe majority don’t want to take away their guns, and majority rule.MydearpeopleoftheCaribbean,looktoadifferentsourceofpreventiontocurbtheimportationof guns to your Island nation, or your cries definitely will end on America's deaf ears. AfterthecolonizationofthelandbelongingtotheIndianNation, Americahassincethenbecomea meltingpartoftheland,andclaimbirthrightheritagethroughforce,forAmericansmightmake right,ifyoucannotsecureityouhadbetternothaveitatall,afterthecolonizationotherscame ashorebydroves,theSpanish,theGermans,theItalian,allnationalityansweredtothecallofgive me your tired, etc, making America a land of mix races.Everyonehasasay,andeveryoneisbeingheard,orsoitseemsbutthebottomlineiswho possessesthemostresourcestakestheleadandmakestherulesnottobedowntroddenbythe rest,thegunfactoriesindeedproduceguns,however,themanufacturingsalesgoesalongway branchingintodifferentventures,supportinguncleSam,itsokifhegetshisshareandheknows how to get it.Taxationisthekey,anybusinessgunfactoryordairyfactorythatrefusestopayUncleSamitscut immediatelygetsshutdownwithalevyofgrossbacktaxes,theCaribbeannationhasnosayin thosemattersanddoesnotproduceanythingherein America,therefortheirpleaforguntrafficking help will be stalemate before it even reaches the powers that be.WhydoyoutheCaribbeanIslandinvolveyourselfwithanyglobalpowerseekingtobetheir watchdog,Ifyouwannabeaccepted,ofcourse,theywillrecruityouonlytosecuretheirborders, andtoruleoveryoumakingyouthestepchildofthecentury,doyouhaveachoice?Whynot!You arealreadymorepowerfulthanyouthink,youpossessthebestinthehemisphereasizeable tropicalIsland,producingallkindsoffoodforyourbanquet,nosnoworhale,nointernalconflicts, andnoenemyattheborderifyoukeepyournoseclean,sunshineandrain,mountainandvalleys, beaches,wildanimalsroamingfreelyreadytoberoasted.Thatisasmuchyoucansayforthefive continents.ThetroublewithyouCaribbeancountriesisthatyouwantmoreofwhatyoucannothave,youwant avoicetomakedecisionsontheirroster,dreamon!youwanttobenoticedasanequalpartnerof theirsgoodluck,notknowingthatyouhavebecomegreedy,wantingtobeseenlikeanequalby them,thereforeyouborrowfromthemandhavenomannerforpayback,becomingapuppetona string,playedbyeveryone,insteadofaself-governingnation.CasingpointtheAirporttax,the reasoningbehindit,Lordwhataloadofrubbish,yourpeoplearedieingdailythroughgunviolence yet you entertain Airport taxes, to do what? flee the Island.
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Sons and daughters of Saint Lucia
Well if that does not beat all, human trafficking!, oh sorry Saint Lucia what have you become?, my thoughts on the situation remain positive to what I have said before, it’s the migration of people to your shores, and the welcome invitation to nest, by offering them citizenship, most of them are rejects from a battered country, or criminals fleeing from an impoverished country.
Generation gap
Saint Lucia, you are too small to compete with the five major continents, and for sure sons and daughters born on the Island retain the thinking instill in them by their parents and guardian, it is up to the new generation to step up and show what their parents have taught them.
Second class citizen
The older generation was brainwashed to thinking that they have to migrate somewhere else, to have a degree equivalent to that of the western world, so some relax in their poverty, while others endeavor to send their little ones to different foreign countries, thinking to educate them on the finer things. While this is all good and well, the outcome is that you are accepting foreign nationals to lead your homegrown industry, to lead in all areas of your businesses, making your people second-class citizens.
Come together as one Saint Lucia
They then criminals have capitalized on the frail people's mentality and their generous big hearts, which contributes to all kinds of woe in once happy Saint Lucia, my people it is almost closing time, skip the last dance forgo the last drink, you are at peril if you continue to rest easy and not fighting back, I see there are still talkers who see the misfortune of the Island, but remember talk is cheap if you don’t carry a big stick and use it too.Youths of Saint Lucia, some of your parental guardians were illiterate but they found it necessary to make a way to provide you with the best education which they did not have, the majority of the older generation is still illiterate but not dumb, why do you think they suffer to educate you, yes its to someday make your mark in the community, I ask you how are you making your mark?, what have you done with the chance offered to you by your educators, frankly I see nothing, you have done nothing to improve the lives of your now enslave parental guardian.How can you stand idle by and allowed such destruction to your home Island, you should be the leader of tomorrow that was their goal for the sacrifice they made in sending you to get the best education be it at the local entry-level or overseas, yeah I don’t hear you, are you all death and blind youths, you this generation should now have rule the island, all I see is a bunch of old sick men with outdated methods and wasted energy making deals to prosper themselves.If you can hear me you have the power in youth, you have the power in understanding how technology works, you have the power to make a difference, put your minds together and make a difference, once country boys and city boys were looking down at each other, I tell you my youths this is not the case anymore, quit matching genitals sizes with each other, your Island home is on fire and needs a combined you.MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO Kenvil Poetry Oasis | January 1st,2014
Saint Lucian at the brink of disaster a sleepy Island infested with crimes
The Poet Poetry Oasis
MR CHAIRMAN BLAH BLAH BLAHWhataloadof wastedenergyMr.Chairman,allthefancytalking willnotdecreasecrimes beingcommittedbyprivileged youthsoftheIsland,andallthefancyrambling withfancy wording willnotdeliverapositiveactiontothekillings,themuggings,thetraffickingofdrugs,inmy opinion,thisisonlygoodfornothing.Iamwonderinghowmanybadboysreadthenewspaper, andifsomedotheconstantramblingofwordsjustshutthemoff,weneedactionyouneed action.Thehappeningsthataredoneinthecommunitybycertainpeoplecontinuetoflourishmainly becausetherearenochecksandbalances,thelawmeaningthepolicepresenceshouldbe seen,inthebars,inthechurches,atcommunityevents,everywherethereisagatheringoffouror above, to nip it in the bud.Policeshouldbeheavilyarmed,thebiggerthegunsthemoremenacingtheylook,sincetheyare thegoodguys,letthempatrolandtakeittothedensofthieves,takeittothecountryside,tothe beaches, and everywhere that seems to be a heaven for the criminals.IttookawhilebutIseemypointisbeingdrivenhome,societyhasnowrealizedthewaytoend thisfiascoistoeducatetheparents,thefactthatsomeparentsdonothaveanyeducationand theydon’tneedittofunction,theIslandcanconverseintheircreolelanguageandgetbyjustfine thankyou!Theydon’treadnewspaperarticles,allthoseramblingonpaperbythepeoplewho should protect the Island is a failure to communicate.If youspeaksoftlyandcarryabigsteakchanceare, you willgetmuchmoredoneinashorttime, insteadoftravelinghereandtherelisteningtothesameoldsong,allofthemhavetheirproblem before you publicized their problem look firstly to your people, and the devastation of your nation.Whatisneededisastrongpolicepresenceineachcommunity,getoneifyoudon’thaveone, andraisetaxesitsbettertopayalittlemorethandielonelyonthestreets,sometimeagoyou implemented vat,littledid youknowthataportionof vatshouldhaveincludedthesecurityofthe nation,itisnottoolatetobiffupyourpoliceforce,youcannotrelyonotherstofootyourinner circle problems, go ahead this may be for you, food for thought.Iseemysuggestion wasquicklyimplemented,letshopethepoliceForceisdoubled,fordoubled trouble.
Copyright 2001 for Poetry Oasis: Kenvil Atkins Lewis
WEAPON OF CHOICEIfImayallowmethecurtsytooffer mythoughtsonthecrimespree nowhappeninginSt.Lucia,indeed itishardtoavoidanindividualwho isbentoncommittingacrime, Remembertheoldendayswhenthemachetewasthemostfearedweaponofchoice,everyonecarriesitopenly, not as a weapon but as an instrument used for manual labor.WiththissaidletusgobacktothegunsituationontheIsland,dowehaveagunfactoryontheIslandofSaint Lucia?No,dowereceiverevenuefromthesaleofgunsontheIslandofSaintLucia?No!Aretheregunlobbies hereinSt.Lucia,notthatIknowof,aretheregunshopsinSt.Lucia,onthematterofgunswhatandhowdoesit play a role on the Island?Thosequestionsshouldcometomindwhendealingwiththefatalityofourpeoplebeingmurdered,to apprehendthoseperpetrators.Enoughsaidabouttherealitythatishappening,topoorSaintLucia,insteadlet uslookatsolutions!Thepowerstobeatthisstageseemtohavehitaroadblock,andthereremainsnoneor littlefightleftinthem,sorryThatwillnotdo,getuponyourhindlegsandfindsolutionstotheremedyweare lacking.Thereisconstanttalkcomingfromyourleaders,butasIhavesaidbeforeitisonlytalk,Thoseleadersarenot affectedbytheconstantbarrageofkillings,onlytoscorepointsonthematterShameonthem,theyhavefailed thecitizensofSaintLucia, thoserentacop borrowedarenowbeing highlypraisedforcurbing somedisturbanceswhile theywereactiveinthe Island,nowthattheyare goneareyougoingto cowerlikecowardsand surrendertothe lawbreakers,tellmeits not so.It'seasytobringthefight backtothepeoplewho killourpeople,bysimply observing this blueprint.1.Makealllaw enforcementpersonnel such as the police visible 2.Alleviateandrevamp the whole police force 3.Mapoutonamap the areas of disturbance on every killing4.Form a command center answering only to crime prevention5.Stop hiring Keystone cops, hire men or women with true grit6.Remove those useless individuals who serve as representatives to protect and serve7.Put a muscle to the reporters who portray crime as a showpiece for gainMydeargoodpeoplethosearejustafractionofwhatstepstobetaken,tocombatthecriminalshereonthe IslandofSaintLucia,Theveryfirstthingneededisasolidcommandcenter,youneedtogatherallintelfrom various factors, significant or insignificant as it relates to crime.Itappearsthatthepoliceforce'smanpowerislackingafewgoodmen,soretrainthosecapableofhandlingthe pressure of making arrests, or hire a few good men.ItappearslikemostofyourlawenforcementpersonnelaretoothlessTigers,Youneedtogetridofthem,thelast thingyouneednowislawenforcementpersonnelwholooktheotherway,andbelieveit’samoralboosterfor the criminals.Atthisjunctureyouonlyhaveapoliceforcethatwouldnotdo,Youneedtorecruitandtraincertainindividuals withadifferentsetofskillstocombatthisepidemicgoingononyourIsland,notoverweightormalnourished thatwouldnotdo.Thosewouldbethefirstpersonnelinthelineoffire,theyneedtobeofadifferentbreed, mind, and body, one step higher than your regular policemen.Tomostofthe policepersonnel servingonthe policeforce,it's onlyajob!Mostof themwouldanswer youthiswayifyou askedaboutthe crimehereinSaint Lucia,Iamnotin thatun,Ionlydo myjobanddon’t lookfortrouble!Oh yeahifnotyouwho then,endofthe conversation,you seeyourdilemma, Mr.Recruiter,How canyourelyon thoseweaklings that you have given a badge and uniform to protect and serve this beautiful island citizen?SincemostofthecrimesarehappeningindifferentareasoftheIsland,youshouldmakeyourpresencemore visibletothoseareas,notjustpatroltherebutgatherIntelfromthecitizensoneverydoorandImeanevery door, even though you come up to your doorstep.Yourbigbreakistofindtheshooter,byanymeanspossible,andbringthemtojustice,vigorouslyseekingthe triggerpersonwithoutfail,thisiswhyyouneedthecaliberoflawenforcementIamtalkingabout.Onebyone searchthemout,ifyouwonderwhyalargecountrycurbsmostoftheviolencehappeningonitssoil,thisiswhy if you commit the crime, you are sure to do the time.Butbeforeyougetaheadofyourself,youneedacommandcenter,astrategiclocationinwhichtocombatthose criminals, and of course, a force to reckon with fighting men who would heed the call. Thereportersalsoplayamajorpartinfightingcrime,sincethereisfreedomofthepress,thenthepressneeds topublicizetheamountofcapturedcriminalsalso,moresotodwellonthecaptureoftheshooterbygivingout all information gathered in their search for a prize, remember you reporters you are not immune to bullets.DearSir,youseemtiredofthesituation,buthaveyouthoughtofwhyyouareunabletowinthisbattleatthis time,letmerefreshyourminds,yourconstantstrugglewitheachother,thenamecallings,thepattyhicks,there is no unity among yourselves, for short you all have failed the Island, oh yes you are all getting a failing grade.YesputyourshittogetherandfindtheremedyyourIslandislackingorjustsendyourselfpacking,insteadof makingafoolofyourselfinpublicontheworldstage,andthatgoesforallwhowouldcrywolf,andnotbe motivated to go for the hunt.Letters to Saint Lucia.
On the question of guns in Saint Lucia, in 1979 or earlier one fact remain, which is the ultimate truth, the citizen of Saint Lucia the majority had no guns at all, most of them were not interested in having a gun, and there was no need for that, the guns that were used at the time is a rifle of sort, and this was use only to deter thieves, mostly plantation owners had one.I left the Island in 1977 there was no Burger King, fast food, no China Town, very little Television, and the list goes on, between that time and the present time Saint Lucian has indulged in every negative influence portrayed by television, to begin with the illiteracy among the elderly people was not helping the situation at all, therefor they accept all negativity as a positive progress.Politics was the hottest ticket on the Island, it was a race and a struggle to brainwash the citizens, with all sorts of promises, Those who were not on the platform might as well be, they were worse than the running members in spreading lies and hatred, thus started the era of political destruction.EVERYONE IS A POLITICIAN, Everyone knows what’s best for the Island, and the result is a catastrophe The real leaders just took a back seat, and have been in this very position to this day. Can't you tell? Let me ask you this question Which one among the many who has ruled the Island, has made significant progress in the welfare of our citizen, such an important thing as a public hospital, never mind those pillars that are standing idle now, I mean something to live a legacy for the people to cherish.Everyone who is able is jockeying for a position on the Island, they want to compete with the foreigners and their investment, no harm in this but there is much harm in the type of investment that has landed at your door in Saint Lucia, No one benefits from a casino, except the owners, a China town is only degrading the real citizens of Saint Lucia, that fast food importation has no place in our Island, mesmerizing our youths, can it compete with good old breadfruit, yams, potatoes, bananas, and the list goes on.Now that I have painted a background of our past, let's travel to the future, The very first question you have to ask is how those guns enter the Island. Could it be smugglers it very well may be, we have countless beaches and coves to land those weapons overnight, but then who are the smugglers, could they be your next-door neighbor or you, whatever the case may be you know the answerLet's not forget our customs, money is said to be the root of all evil, if the security of our citizens is left to the un-trusty custodian, we might as well give up the fight, for a pound of meat some will sell their mother, could it be that guns are being smuggled right under the leader's nose, or are they the ring leaders. Very well could be.Not forgetting the question of security on the island, the dreaded casino needs protection, guns are part of their business, the importation of fast foods on the Island, could they be transporting more than raw meat for burgers, well its time to ask them, and now for the number one mistake the selling of our beloved Island with citizenship, how you ask?, its because the leaders are more interested in a buck than the people coming in. those people with no trade, or a solid education background, those people should be given a citizen test about the Island history, before pronouncing them citizen of Saint Lucia.The way I see it if your leaders are not able to purge this infestation of crime upon our proud citizens, then they should arm the citizens themselves, with the protection of their own, why play favorites, the trigger man the oppressor will then know not to behave superior to the individual standing next to him, by brandishing his gun in their faces, Saint Lucia granted I am not in the line of fire, but my roots are planted in Saint Lucia, and not so long ago most of the inhabitant of the Island were related to each other, I want my family to have a fighting chance as well, or biff up yourself there is work to be done, don’t pass it on to the other Joe.Letters to Saint Lucia
RSLPF CAN YOU HEAR MEIt makes a whole hip of sense reinstating the lady cop, Crusita Descartes- Pelius is no ordinary Johnny come lately, she will be a force to reckon with when it comes to the welfare of policing the citizens of Saint Lucia, most times it takes a woman to do the job of setting things right. She can do it! The idea of keeping the top cop on the offensive in the fight against crime being committed on the Island is a win-win for all concerned.The recruits who were recruited before the crime wave took hold on the citizens of Saint Lucia, those policemen and women distinguished themselves as admirable as the job called for, keeping the peace, however, they were not trained to fight crimes of this magnitude, their biggest worry was a deranged madman with a machete looming at them, however, that is not the case at present, those rouges are now toting guns of all sorts, and is not afraid to use it. Mr. Speaker, you need recruits who should be trained for this specific job purpose to root out the gun-toting criminals, Right now you need to adjust your schedule and make big changes.Aggressively you must fight fire with fire, taking the leadership is a tough job, If we all come to an understanding and wants to clean out the filth and the scums hiding among the lovely people of Saint Lucia, those lawbreakers, I believe we will see some improvement in the RSLPF, We need a winning strategy, first of all, it is a mistake to give anyone caught with a firearm if not registered bail if you must then set the bar high enough to be unreachable, the dividends are low but with increase revenue such as the appointment of commissioner of police Crusta Descartes-Pelius you now have a head start.LETTERS TO SAINT LUCIADARK SHADOWINDECISIVE MANIfthebucketisunabletoholdwater,thatwouldmeanithassprungaleak, naturallytoavoidgoingthirsty,whatare thesolutionstoavoidgoingthirsty?that’s righttossitoutinthegarbagebin,that wouldbethesolutionandtherightthingtodo.ifoneisindecisivethinkingabout luggingwaterinadefectivebucket,naturallyyouwillhaveasprinklergoodonlyfor makingamess.Inreadingthissomeonedefinitelywillponderthequestion,whatthe hellishetalkingabout,theywouldberight,onthecontrary,Iamthinkingpricesthe samething,doyouwantthemanordon’tyou,makeupyourmind,thepopulationhas noproblemconcludingifthemanisguiltyornot,ifdamageassessmentconcludesthatitwouldbewisetocleanupthe house, then do so without putting doubts in the assumption of guilt.Inbringingbackthetopcop,Isaysheshouldhaveneverleftinthefirstplace,asmuchasIwouldliketoseeherleadthe R.S.L.P.F,ITSADDENSMETOTHINKsheisonlybeingusedasapawntosmooththingsover,inquiringmindsalwayswantto know the story, so welcome back police commissioner Crusita, may you stay be longer than was stated, we need you.Letters to Saint Lucia.