Therese Atkins with a help of a shunt, her journey without Physical and occupational therapy, living a normal life with the symptoms associated with normal pressure of hydrocephalus.
ForTherese,herconditionstartedawhilebackaboutsixyearsagoDecember20th,2016,shevisitedtheBellin HealthPhysicalMedicineNeuroConsultant,forseverepaininherhead,theattendingphysicianDr.Brian AKnapp, evaluatedherandhisdiagnosiswasthatshesufferedfromCerebrovascularAccidentduetoThrombosisofleft AnteriorCerebralArtery.ThereseisapatientofHydrocephalus,beforerecentlyIdidnotknowwhatthatismuch less knowing my wife is a patient of this illness.However I have taken the liberty to research its meaning, Hydrocephalus is the buildup of too much cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Normally, this fluid cushions your brain. When you have too much, though, it puts harmful pressure on your brain. THERESE SURGICAL HISTORY BEFORE AND AFTERLetmetakeyouthroughTherese'sintraventricularshuntplacement,puttingasideallreluctantandbaddecisionsfinallyon theeveof9/30/2021thesurgeonperformanintraventricularshuntplacement,folksevenatthislatehourtobe honestwewerebriefedbythesurgeonwhattheprocedureentailsandwhathewasplanningtodotorelievethe pressureon Therese'sbrain,theconsultationlastedabouttwentyminutes,didIfullyunderstoodwhathehadjust told me nope, yet to get the ball rolling I nodded my head in agreement. Don’tbelikemesincethisisatrueextractofwhathappenedto ThereseIwillbefrankandendeavortotellyou whatIthinkyoushoulddo,itisuptoyoutoaheadwithmyinstructionsorrejectthemaltogether,butIhopeyou don’tpleasereadcarefully,okbacktotheconsultationwiththesurgeon,whatIdidnotknowatthetimeofthe consultation with the surgeon was that the whole procedure is base on two surgery to be final. Thefirstoneistheintraventricularshuntplacement,whichiswhereaholeisdrilledintothescalptoreleasethe pressureonthebrainbydrainingthebrainfluidbuildup,atubeistheninsertedintothatholetoextractthebuild-up fluid,andadispenserbaghangingatthebedsidecollectsthefluidasitdrainsfromthescalp.Dependingonthe successofthisprocedure,thesuccessismeasuredbyhowmuchfluiddrainsoutpertheircalculations.Thismay takeseveraldayswiththepatientlyingonthebedduringthedrainageprocess,sorrytobesobluntbutifyouaretotakeanythingfromthisinformation blog I must tell you what I witness done to Therese. Thesecondsteptothefirststepprovidingthesurgeonissatisfiedthatthepatientisreadytoproceedtothenextstepistheintraventriculardrain placed,itwastwenty-fivedayslaterthisprocedurewasperformedonTherese,andthesurgeonswerepleasedwiththedrainageandtherefore proceeded to perform theintraventricular drain placed.CAUTIONFOLKS…Twooperationstwodifferentprocedures,thefirstistheintraventricularshuntplacement,inanutshell,drillaholeinthehead place a suction tube, and measure the drainage to a satisfactory limitCAUTIONFOLKS.Thesecondoperationistheintraventriculardrainplaced,thissurgeryoperationentailsmuchmorethanthefirsttosatisfythe firstprocedure,ifitseemsthatIamgoingincirclesbearwithmeforIhadnoknowledgeofthisprocedureandIwasnotbriefaboutitbeingdone,I knewnothingatthetime,howevereventhoughIwastolditwouldnotmakeanysensetome,sopleaserightatthisjuncturemakesureyouare informed of what will be taking place on this surgery you must do! To be honest you must do it.CAUTION FOLKS.I learned later on after making research on this last surgery procedure, some important decisions have to be made concerning the placement of the drainage tube, the tube itself what type will be put in, and a whole lot of other technicalities, their decision will be made for you if you don’t intervene, let me tell you there is a lot to know in this juncture, first of all when placing the suction tube it can go into the tummy or it can be left outside, there are several types of the suction tube on the market, please research and make your decision as to which one to use, Therese had I believe a ventriculoperitoneal (VP ) Shunt A, what is it? well, Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt 1 People of any age can develop hydrocephalus and therefore require a VP shunt. 2 VP shunt procedure. Doctors typically perform the placement of a VP shunt while a patient is... 3 Recovery. Recovery from a VP shunt placement takes three to four days. 4 Risks of VP shunting don’t forget to read up on the risk of VP shunting.Naturally, I did not know that definitely I did not have even a clue even though it was now residing in Therese's head, to make matters worse they did not tell me anything about what I have just told you about the procedure, because I did not ask about the surgery they left me in the dark blind as a bat, so yes here is the question. What is a vp Shunt procedure VP shunting is a surgical procedure that primarily treats a condition called hydrocephalus. This condition occurs when excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in the brain’s ventricles. ... Doctors typically perform the placement of a VP shunt while a patient is under general anesthesia. Yes, however, if you have a loved one with Hydrocephalus I employ you to read up on this and look closely for all the signs involve, of course, how could you know those things beforehand luckily for you, you are reading my blog it will help you with some of the answers. OK, it's time to bring you up to par with the procedure done on Therese, what you are about to read is the doctor's general information regarding the procedure done, and its aftermath. We will skip this for it has no use to you and the procedure would leave you clueless as did to me, if you ask me what this means I would say it means a successful operation was done on Therese, A successful surgery means to you the care giver, your work has now begun how will it affect you the caretaker, shortly since I have gone through this trip I will venture to tell you as the patient car giver what you should do to keep in the loop.After the (VP ) Shunt was placed in Therese's head she spend some time healing at the hospital, during this time frame interval you should decide your next move. Before the patient is released you are given several choices for future care for the patient, continuing therapy is a must, choose wisely where you put your loved one, there is a good reason that I am telling you to choose wisely, in Therese's case my choices were bad ones, keep reading to know why this is so important. NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS OVERVIEWCAUTION PLEASE NOTE. According to the surgeon who operated on Therese this is a progressive scan of her brain To begin with,living with Hydrocephalus, yes that is what its called, read carefully this is not your everyday illness and recovery back to health is not a walk in the park, recovery from any sickness is never easy but this one is different quite different for you and especially the patient. At the time of Therese's dismissal no one told me the huge responsibility I would go through nursing her back to health, you are not being told that because you at the time don’t realize you are dealing with a situation involving Hydrocephalus, I have already explained what it means to have this illness, but what I was not told is how this illness affects the patient and what happens going forward in their life, both the caregiver and the patient as well, I will try my best to enlighten you as to the observation in treating Therese for the last six years, After the first three months, your patient will exhibit some kind of behavior issues, this is the reason why I ask you to choose carefully the rehab, come to think of it I don’t believe the rehab is the problem, it could be the finest establishment if you don’t have prior knowledge of this illness you have lost the battle, I believe the problem lies with the staffs who take care of the patient and how much they know about Hydrocephalus. When I say the staff it comes with an explanation, In Therese's case, she has been kicked out of both rehab which I chose for her, yes they were high-class rehab Columbia St. Mary’s and Bellin Hospital, but both rehabs found fault with Therese during the seven weeks connectivity she stayed there, eventually kicking her out without any good reason other than she is stubborn and hard to deal with.NEXT SIGNS TO LOOK FOR AFTER A SUCCESSFUL VP SHUNTING