Welcome back to the health journal of Therese Atkins, last time we left off I was documenting the ongoing progress of Therese, as I told you before Therese has a shunt place in her head, for those of you who are not familiar with the word shunt.What is a shunt?it is a hollow tube surgically placed in the brain (or occasionally in the spine) to help drain cerebrospinal fluid and redirect it to another location in the body where it can be reabsorbed
The surgery was performed because Therese needed to relieve pressure on her brain, which goes by the name of Hydrocephalus after a thorough examination of Therese the doctor recommended placing a shunt may be able to provide a long-term benefit.Without going into much detail about shunting, let me end by telling you about the different kinds of Shunts.Different Kinds of ShuntsDifferent shunt systems re-route the excess fluid to:The abdomen The lung The heart The neurosurgeon will discuss the pros and cons of each approach with you, Therese procedure re-routes the excess fluid to the abdomen.Ok now back to when we left off, Therese was just approaching her eighth month of living with a shunt, remember me telling you about the rough time spent with her those first couple of months, the vomiting and the nightly vidual watching over her making sure her throat passage is clear and so forth.Later came the difficulty to feed herself, her total sanitation I mean everything, brushing her teeth, sponging her body and cleaning her private parts, styling her hair and cleaning up after herself when she uses the toilet, also doing the cooking and laundry, plus scheduling and maintaining her daily medication intake, making sure she attends her mandatory doctors visit.All of this may sound tiresome it is indeed tiresome when you don’t have any help with the mandatory tasks needed to keep her healthy. Somehow I have with the help of my God pull through, Therese has been ill since 2017, she suffered several strokes, which left her speechless and unable to move her legs efficiently, she also has slight amnesia.
Four months ago if you have been following Therese journal I told you of the difficulties, the triumphs, and the failures, four months later today January 15th Therese is still with us, those last four months have not taken her for the worse, she is gradually making small strides on her own. FEEDING: Therese is trying to feed herself with great difficulties for example, she would stare at her plate in front of her contemplating what to do next, holding her hands and scooping up some food and placing it in her mouth seems to do the trick, she then will hold the utensils in her right hand continuously poking at the food while with the other hand, she will scoop up another portion from the plate, after she slows the helping she will then put the empty spoon to her mouth as if there were some residue of food to be eaten.STOOL:Therese has to stop vomiting after ingesting her meals, however using her bowels has become somewhat of a difficulty, she continuously has to struggle to accomplish number two, plus her stool is very hard, so a dose of a stool softener is needed periodically to accomplish a smooth bowel movement.SLEEP: Most nights she goes to bed at a scheduled time, it helps if you make up a sleep schedule time, it takes her roughly thirty minutes to fall asleep, sometimes more. Snoring is not something you want to hear when you go to bed next to someone, however, when you have a patient with a shunt sleeping next to you snoring comes like a welcome gesture.SANITATION:Therese is not able to sanitize herself, she needs help to get it done, again if you have a schedule that is a good thing, Therese schedule is flexible, at ten in the morning she takes her medication, followed by a bath, or a body sponge, first the top part then the bottom half, next she enjoys a cold or hot breakfast, by the end of her breakfast she returns to the toilet and then back to bed for another two hours of sleep
Getting closer to Almighty God.
Today Therese has a doctor's visit she is having her annual medicare wellness, to be honest, I look forward to the result for there is a secret I want to share with you, Therese has been ill a long time now however that space of time I have taken care of her, yes it's just Therese and myself in the home, Therese illness has brought me closer to Jehovah, you can say caring for her has become my joy for Jehovah God has touched and visit me often, yes that is my secret caring is sharing, caring is love, caring is patient, when combined you find out that you are closer to the god of creation Jehovah is his name..
Jehovah who can be like you?
Well I thought I would have more to tell you, I thought Therese would decrease in capacity and worsen to the point of taking her to the hospital, but that is not the case she shows me that only God can heal, yes friends health wise she is just like you and me with ups and downs, next month will be the anniversary of the shunt placed in Therese's head if the Lord is willing I will get back to telling you about her progress, may the Lord bless you all and cheerios for now.
Come back on Therese Birthday
Click birthday if the Lord Jehovah is willing Therese will then see her 77 birthday, come the month of May, for the blessings she has received from almighty God is priceless, come altogether let us praise Almighty God, the only God who created the universe, you can quote me but never doubt me, there none like Jehovah
Compassionate Family-centered Care
We are all children of one God, with gifts to match our existence, there is no force placed upon you to serve him, but you do well if you surrender your will and become his servant, he will befriend you till the last minute of your life here upon this earth he has made by uttering only two words, let there be and it was, Thank you, Therese, for the joy you have given me throughout out our journey.
Living with a shunt
Therese Atkins story taking it one day at a time
poetry oasis kenvil atkins 1/1/2023
AUGUST REPOR2023Howdayfellowtravellerifyouare readingthis,thenthisisathecontinu-inghistoryofThereseAtkins,apatient livingwithacerebralshunt,forthose whoarenotfamiliarwiththeterm,a CerebralShuntisasurgicalprocedure inwhichatubeisplacedinthe patient’sheadtodrainoutexcess fluid.Nowthatyouhavealittleknowledge aboutthetopicofmyconversation, let’sproceed!,itwaswelloverayear agothatmywifeTheresewasoper-ated on, she has been living with this Therese Atkins TodayBY KENVIL ATKINSAUGUST 2023cerebralshuntwelloveroneyearnow,sometimebetween2022-2023,during thistimeframeIhavedocumentedherprogressorfailuresinthehopethatthison hand observation will benefit anyone who has a love one, going through the same journey, yes sir it is a journey at that and quite an adventure.WhenIleftoff Therese wasnearingher77birthday,aboutthreemonthsshyofher77birthday,Ihadjusttakenhertoseeherphysicianforasix-month checkup,herxraysshowedsignificantprogress,andthesurgerywhichwasdonetoherheadhadbeenproperlyheal,thisisablessingindeedfrom Jehovah God.THERESE ATKINS PHYSICAL CONDITION:1.ThereseAtkinshasinthepastseveralmajorstrokes,shehasbeenhospitalizedasanoutpatientattwomajorhospitals,thefirststrokelefther paralyzedandunabletowalk,whilethesecondcompoundthings,herarmsandlimbs,andmuscleslostmostoftheirfunctions,alsoherspeech parten became blurred and over a time she lost the ability to talk.2.Therese Atkinsisaliveand wellbutunabletoperformherdailysanitarymeasures,sheisnotabletoclotheherself,andshebitesandchewsher food,herswallowingisok,butsheneedshelpwithholdingtheutensils,sheneedshelpgoingtotherestroom,alsocleaningaftereverypottybreak, and grooming herself.Those are some of the Therese drawbacks, there are other things she is unable to perform or do, and this is within a personal scope of privacy to her.PERSONALITY TRAITS:1.Therese Atkinshasthenicestsmileandisalwaysingoodhumordaily,sheisalways willingtotryandhelpherself wheneversomethingisbeing done to her, given the right diet Therese has no problem cleaning her plate.2.ThereseAtkinsstrugglestowalkanytimesomeonehelpshertoexercise,shehasatremendouscapacitytofightherpainsandsometimes suffers in silence.3.ThereseAtkinsstillthinksinhermind,thatshecanperformalltheabovephysicalconditionsmentioned,whichmakesonemarvelatthatgal, bless her heart.Therese Prior ConditionBynowyouhavegottenasmallpictureofThereseAtkins'sprior condition, which brings me back to today and her present condition.WellIthoughtIwouldhavemoretotellyou,IthoughtTheresewould decreaseincapacityand worsentothepointoftakingherbacktothe hospital,butthatisnotthecasehere,sheshowsmethatonlyGod canheal,yesreadersandfriendshealth-wise,sheisjustlikeyouand me withherupsanddowns,nextmonth willbetheanniversaryofthe shuntplacedinTherese'sheadiftheLordiswillingIwillgetbackto tellingyouaboutherprogress,maytheLordblessyouall,continuing observationonherprogressIhavetoreportthatThereseisdoing quitewellhealthwise,however,sheisdeterioratinginhermental capacity,someofthenewthingsportrayedatthistimebyTherese are.•Hermemoryisfailingsheperiodicallystairsintospacewhile eating her meals•Shekeepstheutensilsthatshehasinherrighthand,rightnext to her mouth, without any motion at all.•Shepokesatthefooditemonherplaterepeatedlybefore scooping it into her mouth•Sheisnotarticulateandsoilsherdressduetoincorrectmouth motion•Sometimeswhichisveryrarelyshegetsirritatedwithherself butshovesofftheattitude whensomeoneapproachesher withloving tender concern and care.•Hersleeppatternisoff,shemaylieonherbedmotionlessfor hourswithoutnapping,andonlyfallasleepduringtheweehoursof the morning.•She drinks less fluid of any kind, and refuses to eat anything after dinner, but enjoys a cup of beverage tea or coffee.Buthersmileisstilltodiefor,thosesmallinheritances whichshenowportrayscanbeovercome withconstant vigilcare,andacalmapproachtoeach situation,inmyopinionforsomeoneliving withatubeintheirhead,it'snotnormaland willnotfunctionnormally,soprecautionandtenderlovingcare is the key to each symptom and each day of her life events.IbegineachdaywitharoutineandsticktothescheduleasbestasIcan,Isupposetoeachoneofyouyourscheduleroutinewillbedifferent,soitis pointless me telling you what to do in your present situation.Medication Needs a Healthy DietButtothefewwhowouldliketoknowmyroutine,it'snothingspecial,Iamnotrecommendingthistoyou,Iamjustdivorcingmyrecipeformywife's ongoing treatment, first of all,MEDICATION:TthemedicationthatTheresetakesalonecanbeamajorfactorso enoughsaid,tocombathersystemIsupplementadietofvarious mixedgreensalads,andthedressingusedisdiffidentlyvinaigrette no other, a little Cezar salad now and then.SECONDLY:Secondly,hersecondcourseishermeatcourse,mostlypoachfish ofsomekind,codfish,salmon,mackerel,tilapia,redfishtuna,or mahi mahi, poach and serve with an olive oil sauce of some kind.Andthreehourslaterboulofchickennoodlesoupwithaleakor colored greens.BEVERAGES:Forherbeveragesheonlyhasjuicesorange,grapefruit,apple,cran-berry,orfruitpunch,banana,melonstrawberry,pineapplepuree with almond milk, and on occasion ginger ale soda. By 6 PM her last meal is a cup of coffee.AslongasAlmightyGodJehovahprovidestheresourcesIamwill-ingtopreparethemeals,believeme,AlmightyJehovahhasnever failedmeyet,myfaithandtrustisinthealmightyalone,andno other. IfImayletmecautionyouaboutthemostimportantthing,the patient's medication I recommend that you pay attention to detail.next update January 2024 ALL PRAISES TO ALMIGHTY GOD JEHOVAH - AMEN