Read it here


In my last letter to Saint Lucia, I ask for a man with the vision to deliver the citizens of this lovely Island, I may have found one in you Sir, who is this man you may ask well folks you will know him soon, for I believe he will move the thinking capabilities of the citizen of Saint Lucia, to working for a cure that is now ailing all citizen on the Island. Step up and be counted my good man, step up to the plate don’t be afraid of the bowler, your words are as fire to their bosoms, striking the right cord on every swing. Finally here is a man of vision, the question I place before you oh my people will you let him in, will you follow him, will you find yourself on the winning team?, I pray to my Jehovah that you will. There is a time for everything under heaven thus says the good book, this man's time is now, if you ask me who is he, I will say you are looking at Saint Lucia deliverance in a nutshell. If the words he spoke did not move you, as a citizen of Saint Lucia, then you deserve to be victimized by those profiteering political bastards. I told you before they have not been tested, those political Johhny come lately, nor have they suffered, like you, who have lost loved ones, due to the escalating crime wave here on the Island. Mark well the words spoken by this new deliverer this son of the soil, guard up your trousers take up your pitchforks, RAILLY THE YOUTHS, and people it is time for action.



Letters to Saint Lucia
Knowing that I cant immigrate, naturally

I must dictate for it is Up to Fate.

Let me express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to you, Sir, I hear you from afar off, the question is my brethren the citizen of my Saint Lucia, are you listening, to what he has said in his writing, I told you before that both your political parties are too busy engaging in a power struggle to notice you, that the delima you citizen of Saint Lucia, are facing, they the party members will not bring the peace you so yearn to have, they have all failed you, and will keep on failing you if you decided on living by blind faith. And now arise a voice of reason, a champion, a David willing his words of wisdom, will you sit idly by and wait for another to take you out of this mess, or will you support this your champion, this son of the soil? I awaited your movement with much anticipation, and to you my dear good man, I have long waited for a champion like you to deliver Saint Lucia from the dark hole of crime, you may not know it yet but you have starred the blood in me, and I hope so do the blood of all Saint Lucians. Let's not live our deliverance from crime and all other sorts of violence to the sick men of both political parties let's not follow blindly, for losers will always be losers if the will to succeed is not in them, so far they are batting a fat zero. They do not care a darn tooting thing, they are only there to score some political jib-jab, whether you like it or not, their fancy suit and their lying speeches, they spin as they gather around round table to sprout their peacock feathers, whiles living you to eat your dung, as they enjoy their ill-gotten pleasure. A DANIEL COMES TO JUDGMENT. Independent Senator Azeez, “The worst thing we can do with crime is politicise it”